Indiana State University’s Office of Information Technology provides information for future students regarding technology requirements and standards for successful learning at Indiana State.

Bringing a Laptop to Campus

For successful learning at Indiana State, you will need a laptop for academic use. Indiana State maintains a robust application infrastructure centered around Microsoft technologies. As such, Windows-based computers will allow for the greatest ease-of-use on campus. However, experienced Mac users will be fully supported on their Apple devices, as well. If you have mostly used Windows or Chromebook devices in the past, we recommend bringing a Windows-based laptop for academics. Chromebooks are not recommended.

A computer with a minimum of 8GB RAM, 256 GB storage, and an i5 or M.1 processor will be adequate for most academic needs. Some majors may require additional specifications, so you should check with your academic department about their computer requirements prior to purchasing a device.

For example, business, construction, and STEM-related majors use some applications that do not run on a Mac and you must have a Windows computer. It is also recommended to have at least 16 GB RAM, 512 GB storage, and an i7 processor.

For art, design, and theater majors, most of your classes will use Macs. You may find it easier to own an Apple computer for your studies. If you will be doing video processing or any 3D digital work, you should have at least 16 GB RAM, 512 GB storage, and an M.2 processor.

Do not purchase anti-virus or Microsoft Office. Indiana State provides both products once you have activated your University Account and are registered for classes. You will be able to log in to to install the Microsoft apps.

Warranties and Accidental Damage Protection are recommended. If you need help filing a claim, you can visit our Technology Support Center for assistance. We are also available to assist with installing software, virus clean-up, and general troubleshooting. The Technology Support Center is located in Stalker Hall 009.

Gaming consoles, smart TVs, and similar items are allowed on the campus wireless networks, as well as wired connections in residence halls. You will need to register the device prior to connecting. We cannot guarantee that all devices are compatible with our network. Some consumer devices do not have the capability of working on enterprise networks.

View Supported Wireless Device Information

Indiana State maintains three wireless networks on campus: ISU-Secure, EduRoam, and ISU-OPEN. ISU-OPEN is our guest wireless network. When you connect to the network, you will be prompted to register. Students who have activated their University Account should use ISU-SECURE.

How to connect to ISU-OPEN

Activate Your University User Account!

Once admitted as a student at Indiana State University, you will be issued a University User Account. Indiana State requires multi-factor authentication to access network resources that you will use as a student. To activate your account and set up security, please refer to the following article.

Setting up your University User Account also provides you with access to all online internal help resources via the OIT Service Portal.

You can easily set up your Sycamore email to work successfully on your smartphone with the Outlook app. Once your University Account is set up, please refer to this article to learn how to send and receive emails on your smartphone.  

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